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Trajectory Tracking Task based on Nonlinear Model Prediction and PHR Augmented Lagrange Method

Kinematic Model

Variables Descriptions Variables Descriptions
\([x_r,y_r]\) position of rear wheel \(v\) velocity at rear wheel
\(\theta\) vehicle orientation \(a\) acceleration input
\(L\) vehicle length \(\delta\) steering input
\[ \left[ \begin{matrix} \dot x\\ \dot y\\ \dot \theta\\ \dot v \end{matrix} \right]=\left[ \begin{matrix} v\cos\theta\\ v\sin\theta\\ \frac{v\tan\delta}L\\ a \end{matrix} \right] \]

So that, I use below equation to update states in discrete time domain, which is

\[ \begin{cases} x_{k+1}=x_k+\frac{v_k\cos\theta_k+v_{k+1}\cos\theta_{k+1}}2\cdot{\rm d}t\\ y_{k+1}=y_k+\frac{v_k\sin\theta_k+v_{k+1}\sin\theta_{k+1}}2\cdot{\rm d}t\\ \theta_{k+1}=\theta_k+\frac{v_k+v_k+1}2\cdot\frac{\tan\delta}L\cdot{\rm d}t\\ v_{k+1}=v_k+a_k\cdot{\rm d}t\\ \end{cases},u_k=\left[\begin{matrix}a_k\\\delta_k\end{matrix}\right] \]

Loss Function

Define the \(k\)-th control point's loss function as below:

\[ Loss_k(u_k,\cdots,u_{k+N+1})=\sum_{i=k+1}^N[(x_i-x_i^{ref})^2+(y_i-y_i^{ref})^2+\omega_a(a_i-a_{i-1})^2+\omega_\delta(\delta_i-\delta_{i-1})^2] \]

And there are physical limits

\[ \forall i,\begin{cases} a_\min\leq a_i\leq a_\max\\ \delta_\min\leq\delta_i\leq\delta_\max\\ v_\min\leq v_i\leq v_\max\\ \end{cases} \]


We can rewrite the problem to a general form

Denote \({\mathbf u}_k=\begin{pmatrix}u_{k+1}\\ u_{k+2}\\\vdots\\ u_{k+N+1}\end{pmatrix}\in{\rm R}^{2N}\)

Ant then

\[\begin{aligned} \min_{{\mathbf u}_k\in{\rm R}^{2N}}&\ f({\mathbf u}_k)\\ {\rm s.t.}&\ g({\mathbf u}_k)\leq0 \end{aligned}\]


\[ {\mathcal L}_\rho({\mathbf u}_k,\lambda,\mu)=f({\mathbf u}_k)+\frac\rho2\left\{\bigg|\bigg|h({\mathbf u}_k)+\frac\lambda\rho\bigg|\bigg|^2+\bigg|\bigg|\max\big[g({\mathbf u}_k)+\frac\mu\rho\big]\bigg|\bigg|^2\right\}-\frac1{2\rho}\left[||\lambda||^2+||\mu||^2\right] \]

Where \(\rho>0, \mu\succeq0\)

We update the variables and parameters in a loop

\[ \begin{cases} {\mathbf u}_k \leftarrow\mathop{\arg\min}_{{\mathbf u}_k}{\mathcal L}_\rho({\mathbf u}_k,\lambda,\mu) \\ \lambda\leftarrow\lambda+\rho h({\mathbf u}_k) \\ \mu\leftarrow\max[\mu+\rho g({\mathbf u}_k),0] \\ \rho\leftarrow\min[(1+\gamma)\rho,\beta] \end{cases} \]

In this particular case, we don't have equality constraints. Just simply ignore \(h({\mathbf u}_k)\) and \(\lambda\)

Demo Code

You can get the full code via

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import cv2
import os
import imageio
from tqdm import tqdm

# function for render dots via cubic spline
def draw(dots, color, linestyle, file_dir, idx):
    n = len(dots) - 1
    t1 = np.reshape(np.linspace(0, 1, 1001), [1, 1001])
    t2 = t1 ** 2
    t3 = t1 ** 3
    t0 = np.reshape([1 for _ in range(1001)], [1, 1001])
    tmp = np.zeros((n, n + 1))
    tmp[0, 0] = 2
    tmp[0, 1] = -3
    tmp[0, 2] = 1
    for i in range(1,n-1):
        tmp[i, i] = 1
        tmp[i, i+1] = -2
        tmp[i, i+2] = 1
    tmp[-1, -1] = -1
    tmp[-1, -2] = 1
    A =
    tmp = np.zeros((n, n + 1))
    tmp[0, 0] = -3
    tmp[0, 1] = 4
    tmp[0, 2]= -1
    for i in range(1,n-1):
        tmp[i, i] = -1
        tmp[i, i+1] = 2
        tmp[i, i+2] = -1
    tmp[-1, -1] = 1
    tmp[-1, -2] = -1
    B =
    tmp = np.zeros((n, n + 1))
    for i in range(1, n):
        tmp[i, i] = -1
        tmp[i, i+1] = 1
    C =
    tmp = np.zeros((n, n + 1))
    for i in range(0, n):
        tmp[i, i] = 1
    D =
    interval = np.array([])
    for i in range(n):
        if len(interval) == 0:
            interval = np.reshape(A[i], [-1, 1]).dot(t3) + \
                    np.reshape(B[i], [-1, 1]).dot(t2) + \
                    np.reshape(C[i], [-1, 1]).dot(t1) + \
                    np.reshape(D[i], [-1, 1]).dot(t0)
            interval = np.append(interval, (
                np.reshape(A[i], [-1, 1]).dot(t3) + \
                np.reshape(B[i], [-1, 1]).dot(t2) + \
                np.reshape(C[i], [-1, 1]).dot(t1) + \
                np.reshape(D[i], [-1, 1]).dot(t0)
            ), axis=1)
    plt.plot(interval[0], interval[1], color=color, linestyle=linestyle)
    plt.scatter(dots.T[0], dots.T[1], color=color, s=8)
    plt.gca().set_xbound(-3.5, 2*math.pi+3.5)
    plt.gca().set_ybound(-6.5, 0.5)
    plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
    if idx > -1:
        plt.savefig(file_dir + str(idx) + '.png')

# define control points as below
# It's better to minimize the stretched energy when generating the control points.
# Here I just randomly pick some, so it may not give you a good enough performance.
# We need the wisdom of integration of plan and control [:doge:]
dots = np.vstack([
    [[0, 0] for _ in range(1)],
    [[_, math.cos(_) - 1] for _ in np.linspace(0, 2 * math.pi, 24)],
    [[3*math.cos(_)+2*math.pi, 3*math.sin(_)-3] for _ in np.linspace(math.pi/2, -math.pi/2, 30)], 
    [[_, -0.5*math.cos(_) - 5.5] for _ in np.linspace(2 * math.pi, 0, 20)],
    [[-3*math.cos(_), 3*math.sin(_)-3] for _ in np.linspace(-math.pi/2, math.pi/2, 30)]

# bicycle kinematic
def kinematic(prev_state, a, delta, n, dt, L):
    state = np.zeros((n+1, 4))
    state[0] = prev_state
    for i in range(0, n):
        state[i+1][3] = state[i][3] + a[i] * dt
        state[i+1][2] = state[i][2] + (state[i][3] + state[i+1][3])/2 * delta[i] / L * dt
        state[i+1][0] = state[i][0] + (state[i][3] * math.cos(state[i][2]) + state[i+1][3] * math.cos(state[i+1][2])) / 2 * dt
        state[i+1][1] = state[i][1] + (state[i][3] * math.sin(state[i][2]) + state[i+1][3] * math.sin(state[i+1][2])) / 2 * dt
    return state[1:]

# loss function that needs to minimize
def f(x, x_ref, y, y_ref, a, a_prev, delta, delta_prev, s_weight=10, a_weight=1, delta_weight=1):
    return np.linalg.norm(x - x_ref) ** 2 * s_weight + \
           np.linalg.norm(y - y_ref) ** 2 * s_weight + \
           np.linalg.norm(a - a_prev) ** 2 * a_weight + \
           np.linalg.norm(delta - delta_prev) ** 2 * delta_weight

# inequality constraint
def h(a, delta, v, a_min=-2, a_max=2, delta_min=-0.8, delta_max=0.8, v_min=-5, v_max=10):
    return np.array([
        a_min - a,
        a - a_max,
        delta_min - delta,
        delta - delta_max,
        v_min - v,
        v - v_max

# PHR Augmented Lagrangian
def L(prev_state, x_ref, y_ref, a, a_prev, delta, delta_prev, rho, mu, tau, wheel_base, s_weight=10, a_weight=100, delta_weight=1):
    x, y, phi, v = kinematic(prev_state, a, delta, len(a), tau, wheel_base).T
    return f(x, x_ref, y, y_ref, a, a_prev, delta, delta_prev, s_weight, a_weight, delta_weight) + \
           rho / 2 * (np.linalg.norm(np.maximum((h(a, delta, v) + mu / rho), 0)) ** 2)

# numerical gradient
def gradient(prev_state, x_ref, y_ref, a, a_prev, delta, delta_prev, rho, mu, tau, wheel_base, s_weight=10, a_weight=100, delta_weight=1):
    epi = 1e-16
    grad_a = np.zeros(a.shape)
    for i in range(len(a)):
        a_plus = np.copy(a)
        a_plus[i] += epi
        a_minus = np.copy(a)
        a_minus[i] -= epi
        grad_a[i] = (L(prev_state, x_ref, y_ref, a_plus, a_prev, delta, delta_prev, rho, mu, tau, wheel_base, s_weight, a_weight, delta_weight) - \
                     L(prev_state, x_ref, y_ref, a_minus, a_prev, delta, delta_prev, rho, mu, tau, wheel_base, s_weight, a_weight, delta_weight)) / (2 * epi)
    grad_delta = np.zeros(delta.shape)
    for i in range(len(delta)):
        delta_plus = np.copy(delta)
        delta_plus[i] += epi
        delta_minus = np.copy(delta)
        delta_minus[i] -= epi
        grad_delta[i] = (L(prev_state, x_ref, y_ref, a, a_prev, delta_plus, delta_prev, rho, mu, tau, wheel_base, s_weight, a_weight, delta_weight) - \
                         L(prev_state, x_ref, y_ref, a, a_prev, delta_minus, delta_prev, rho, mu, tau, wheel_base, s_weight, a_weight, delta_weight)) / (2 * epi)
    return np.append(grad_a, grad_delta, axis=0)

# Hyperparameters
N = 5                      # predict step
tau = 1                    # time constant
epsilon_cons = 1e-3        # constraint criterion
epsilon_prec = 1e-3        # precision criterion
min_xi = 1e-3              # min step precision
beta = 5000                # panalty upper bound
gamma = 5e-1               # penalty increase factor
max_iteration = 150        # max iteration for a single point
s_weight = 1               # weight for control points
a_weight = 2               # weight for acceleration
delta_weight = 3           # weight for steering angle

prev_state = [0, 0, 0, 0]  # x, y, phi, v
prev_input = [0, 0]        # a, delta
wheel_base = 0.005         # wheel base
input = np.zeros(N * 2)
states = [
  np.array(prev_state) for _ in range(3)
]                          # states, repeating stack for rendering better
inputs = []                # inputs
predict = 0
full_dir = 'output/full'
brief_dir = 'output/brief'

for idx in range(len(dots)):
    # param
    rho = 1
    xi = 5e-1
    mu = 1

    # reference
    x_ref = dots[idx:idx+N, 0]
    y_ref = dots[idx:idx+N, 1]
    n = len(x_ref)
    while n < N:
        x_ref = np.append(x_ref, x_ref[-1])
        y_ref = np.append(y_ref, y_ref[-1])
        n += 1

    # PHR
    for iter in range(max_iteration):
        loss = L(prev_state, x_ref, y_ref, input[:n], np.append(prev_input[0], input[:n-1]), input[n:], np.append(prev_input[1], input[n:2 * n-1]), rho, mu, tau, wheel_base, s_weight, a_weight, delta_weight)
        grad = gradient(prev_state, x_ref, y_ref, input[:n], np.append(prev_input[0], input[:n-1]), input[n:], np.append(prev_input[1], input[n:2 * n-1]), rho, mu, tau, wheel_base, s_weight, a_weight, delta_weight)

        if predict % 20 == 0:
            draw(dots, 'red', '-', '', -1)
            draw(np.array(states), 'blue', '-', '' , -1)
            draw(np.vstack([prev_state, kinematic(prev_state, input[:n], input[n:], n, tau, wheel_base)]), 'lightgreen', '--', full_dir, predict)
            print((idx, iter, predict), loss)
        predict += 1

        # LBFGS
        B = np.identity(n * 2)
        last_grad = grad
        last_loss = 0x3f3f3f3f
        while np.linalg.norm(grad) > xi and last_loss - loss > xi:
            direction =
            rbound = 0x3f3f3f3f if idx == 0 else 10
            l, r, alpha = 0, rbound, 1

            # Lewis-overton line search
            for _ in range(1000):
                new_input = input + alpha * direction
                new_loss = L(prev_state, x_ref, y_ref, new_input[:n], np.append(prev_input[0], new_input[:n-1]), new_input[n:], np.append(prev_input[1], new_input[n:2 * n-1]), rho, mu, tau, wheel_base, s_weight, a_weight, delta_weight)
                new_grad = gradient(prev_state, x_ref, y_ref, new_input[:n], np.append(prev_input[0], new_input[:n-1]), new_input[n:], np.append(prev_input[1], new_input[n:2 * n-1]), rho, mu, tau, wheel_base, s_weight, a_weight, delta_weight)
                if loss < new_loss - 1e-4 * alpha *
                    r = alpha
                elif < 0.95 *
                    l = alpha

                if r < rbound:
                    alpha = (l + r) / 2
                    alpha = 2 * l

            # update parameters
            delta_x = new_input - input
            delta_g = gradient(prev_state, x_ref, y_ref, new_input[:n], np.append(prev_input[0], new_input[:n-1]), new_input[n:], np.append(prev_input[1], new_input[n:2 * n-1]), rho, mu, tau, wheel_base, s_weight, a_weight, delta_weight) - grad

            # cautious
            if > 1e-6 * np.linalg.norm(grad) *
                B = (np.identity(2*n) /*n) / + /

            input = new_input
            last_loss = loss
            loss = L(prev_state, x_ref, y_ref, input[:n], np.append(prev_input[0], input[:n-1]), input[n:], np.append(prev_input[1], input[n:2 * n-1]), rho, mu, tau, wheel_base, s_weight, a_weight, delta_weight)
            grad = grad + delta_g

        # update PHR parameters
        state = kinematic(prev_state, input[:n], input[n:], n, tau, wheel_base)
        mu = np.max(np.maximum(mu + rho * h(input[:n], input[n:], state[:,3]), 0))
        rho = np.minimum(rho * (1 + gamma), beta)
        xi = min(min_xi,xi * 0.9)

        # specific boundary
        if loss < 5e-2 and iter > 5:

        last_grad = grad

    prev_input = [input[0], input[N]]
    prev_state = state[0]

    # initialize the input 0,1,...,n-2,n,n+1,2n-2
    # with last input 1,2,...,n-1,n+1,n+2,...,2n-1
    # rather than randomly assigned them to be 0

    # render and print
    draw(dots, 'red', '-', '', -1)
    draw(np.array(states), 'blue', '-', '' , -1)
    draw(np.array(state), 'green', '--', brief_dir, idx)
    draw(dots, 'red', '-', '', -1)
    draw(np.array(states), 'blue', '-', '' , -1)
    draw(np.array(state), 'green', '--', full_dir, predict)
    predict += 1
    print(idx, loss, grad.mean())

# generate animate
path = full_dir
fps = 120
files = [os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path)]
files.sort(key=lambda x: int(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0]))
frames = []

for f in tqdm(files):
    img = imageio.imread(f)  # RGB格式的array
    img = cv2.resize(img, (640, 480))  # Resize to (640, 480)
imageio.mimsave(path+'.gif', frames, duration=1/fps)


[1] Z. Wang, “Numerical Optimization in Robotics.”

[2] Y. Ding, “Simple Understanding of Kinematic Bicycle Model.” [Online]. Available:
