
Cyber Scouting
FIRST Robotics Competition Team 8214
Sep. 2024 - Present
To Be Released
FRC 2024 Robot
FIRST Robotics Competition Team 6399 (9975)
Jun. 2024 - Aug. 2024
For FRC 2024 game rules, the mission of the robot is to collect the note and shoot to the speaker or to the amp.
Image-Based 3D Modeling
Shenlan Xueyuan Course
Dec. 2023 - Feb. 2024
The course provided by Professor Peng Lu, offers an in-depth exploration of advanced computer vision techniques, focusing on 3D reconstruction. It covers Structure from Motion (SfM), including key algorithms like camera motion estimation and Bundle Adjustment (BA), while differentiating SfM from SLAM.
Intelligent Book Recommendation and User Interest Analysis System based on Factorization Machines
2023 Rhino-Bird Middle School Science Research Training Program
Jun. 2023 - Oct. 2023
The project aims to develop an intelligent book recommendation system based on DSSM to improve the accuracy and personalization of public library services.
FRC 2022 Robot - Yuan Bot
FIRST Robotics Competition Team 8811
Sep. 2021 - Aug. 2023
For FRC 2022 game rules, the mission of the robot is to collect and shoot the balls to the hub.
Swerve Controller - Dual Motor Drive Board
Zirui Zhang
Sep. 2022 - Oct. 2022
This drive board powers a swerve module with two independent motors: one for velocity, the other for steering, delivering a maximum power of 240W (2 * 12V * 10A).
LOL Prediction - AI Studio Learning Competition
Zirui Zhang
Jul. 2022 - Mar. 2023
This project aims to solve the PaddlePaddle Learning Competition: League of Legends Master Prediction Challenge.
FRC Data Collection Software
Zirui Zhang, Yue Peng
Mar. 2022 - Aug. 2022
The wechat miniprogram provides a separate account for every team to collect, upload, browse, contrast, analyze, and export data during the FRC match.
Knowledge Graph Construction based on Big Data Technology
2021 Guangzhou Yingcai Middle School Science Research Training Program
Jan. 2022 - Aug. 2022
This project was delivered by the 2021 Guangzhou Yingcai Middle School Science Research Training Program and Professor Yi Cai in SCUT.
FRC 2022 Robot - Kylin
FIRST Robotics Competition Team 8011
*. 2022
For FRC 2022 game rules, the mission of the robot is to collect and shoot the balls to the hub.
Balance Swerve - A Single-Wheeled Self-Balancing Omni-directional Mobile Platform
Liangyu Cai, Zihan Chen, Zirui Zhang, Junyong Lin, Yingpei Chen, Yiyang Lu, Jiacheng Xiao, Suqing He
Sep. 2021 - Mar. 2022
The platform is equipped with an omni-directional wheel, driven by a dual-motor system and a gear transmission assembly. A balancing mechanism ensures stability, while the omni-directional wheel enables omnidirectional movement and rapid steering.
FRC 2021 Robot - Kylin
FIRST Robotics Competition Team 8011
*. 2021
For FRC 2021 game rules, the mission of the robot is to collect the power cell and shoot to the power port.
FRC 2020 Robot - Kylin
FIRST Robotics Competition Team 8011
*. 2020
For FRC 2020 game rules, the mission of the robot is to collect the power cell and shoot to the power port.